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Split-order consolidation optimization for online supermarkets: Process analysis and optimization models

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2023, Volume 10, Issue 3,   Pages 499-516 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0221-5

Abstract: Then, a timespace network optimization model is built, and its corresponding solution algorithm is presented

Keywords: online supermarkets     split-order consolidation     timespace network     genetic algorithm    


Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2023, Volume 10, Issue 4,   Pages 593-606 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023522

Abstract: In this review, a proposal is made for a full time-space governance strategy that prioritizes sourceThe 4R chain technology system with the full time-space governance strategy was applied at the scale

Keywords: 4R chain technology system     agricultural non-point source pollution     case study     full time-space governance    

A timespace porosity computational model for concrete under sulfate attack

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 10,   Pages 1571-1584 doi: 10.1007/s11709-023-0985-7

Abstract: damage and cement hydration on the diffusion of sulfate ions, the expansion deformation and porosity spacetime distribution are obtained using the finite difference method.

Keywords: expansion deformation     porosity     internal expansion stress     external sulfate attack     mechanical–chemical coupling model    

Efficient detection methods for amplify-and-forward relay-aided device-to-device systems with full-rate space-time Article

Kang-li ZHANG, Cong ZHANG, Fang-lin GU, Jian WANG

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2017, Volume 18, Issue 6,   Pages 788-795 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700018

Abstract: Relay-aided device-to-device (D2D) communication is a promising technology for the next-generation cellular networkcircumvent the prohibitive complexity problem of traditional maximum likelihood (ML) detection for full-rate space-time

Keywords: Device-to-device     Relay     Detection     Full-rate space-time block code    

Some Thoughts of Chinaese Integrated Space - Ground Network System

Shen Rongjun

Strategic Study of CAE 2006, Volume 8, Issue 10,   Pages 19-30


The rapid development of terrestrial network technologies and the increasing complexity of space missionshave generated a strong demand to extend the internet to space and to establish an integrated space-grounddevelop its integrated space-ground network system.Status quo of space-based network system abroad is introduced.A concept on the overall objective, composition, network system architecture, and network protocols is

Keywords: integrated space network     system architecture     network protocols     steps of program development    

Negative weights in network time model

Zoltán A. VATTAI, Levente MÁLYUSZ

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2,   Pages 268-280 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0109-1

Abstract: Time does not go backward.Previous network techniques (CPM/PERT/PDM) did not support negative parameters and/or loops (potentiallyMonsieur Roy and John Fondahl implicitly introduced negative weights into network techniques to representplan), and a surprisingly flexible and handy network model can be developed that provides all the advantagesreview the theoretical possibilities and technical interpretations (and use) of negative weights in network

Keywords: graph technique     network technique     construction management     scheduling    

Understanding network travel time reliability with on-demand ride service data

Xiqun (Michael) CHEN, Xiaowei CHEN, Hongyu ZHENG, Chuqiao CHEN

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2017, Volume 4, Issue 4,   Pages 388-398 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017046

Abstract: To better evaluate the urban network-wide travel time reliability, five indices based on the emergingon-demand ride service data are proposed: network free flow time rate (NFFTR), network travel time rate(NTTR), network planning time rate (NPTR), network buffer time rate (NBTR), and network buffer timefrom two dimensions of time and space.of the road network traffic dynamics and day-to-day travel time variations.

Keywords: network travel time reliability     on-demand ride services     travel time rate     OD    

Virtual network embedding based on real-time topological attributes

Jian DING,Tao HUANG,Jiang LIU,Yun-jie LIU

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2015, Volume 16, Issue 2,   Pages 109-118 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400147

Abstract: As a great challenge of network virtualization, virtual network embedding/mapping is increasingly importantIt aims to successfully and efficiently assign the nodes and links of a virtual network (VN) onto a sharedsubstrate network.In this paper, a new embedding algorithm is proposed based on real-time topological attributes.A simulator is built to evaluate the performance of the proposed virtual network embedding (VNE) algorithm

Keywords: Virtual network embedding (VNE)     Real-time topological attributes     Betweenness centrality     Correlationproperties     Network virtualization    

Real-time tool condition monitoring method based on temperature measurement and artificial neural network

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering doi: 10.1007/s11465-021-0661-3

Abstract: Here, a real-time tool condition monitoring method integrated in an in situ fiber optic temperatureThe spectrum features are then selected and input into the artificial neural network for classificationFurthermore, an application program with a graphical user interface is constructed to present real-time

Keywords: tool condition monitoring     cutting temperature     neural network     learning rate adaption    

Data-driven approach to solve vertical drain under time-dependent loading

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 3,   Pages 696-711 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0727-7

Abstract: Currently, the vertical drain consolidation problem is solved by numerous analytical solutions, such as time-dependentand DNN–GA prediction models with three different radial drainage patterns in the smear zone under time-dependent

Keywords: vertical drain     artificial neural network     time-dependent loading     deep learning network     genetic algorithm    

Robust energy-efficient train speed profile optimization in a scenario-based position–time–speed network

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2021, Volume 8, Issue 4,   Pages 595-614 doi: 10.1007/s42524-021-0173-1

Abstract: Specifically, we first construct a scenario-based position–time–speed (PTS) network by considering resistancemodel efficiently, we present several algorithms to eliminate the infeasible nodes and arcs in the PTS network

Keywords: robust train speed profile     percentile reliability model     scenario-based position–time–speed network    

Time-series prediction based on global fuzzy measure in social networks

Li-ming YANG,Wei ZHANG,Yun-fang CHEN

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2015, Volume 16, Issue 10,   Pages 805-816 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500025

Abstract: Social network analysis (SNA) is among the hottest topics of current research.The traditional social network is transformed into a fuzzy network by replacing the traditional relationsFinally, the trend of fuzzy network evolution is analyzed and predicted with a fuzzy Markov chain.Experimental results demonstrate that the fuzzy network has more superiority than the traditional networkin describing the network evolution process.

Keywords: Time-series network     Fuzzy network     Fuzzy Markov chain    

Development of Land–Sea–Air–Space Integrated Information Network

Xu Xiaofan, Wang Niwei, Gao Yingyuan, Lu Zhou, Wang Chunting, Lu Jun

Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 2,   Pages 39-45 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.02.006


The land–sea–air–space integrated information networkcapable of providing globally accessible, safe, and reliable information services for land-, sea-, spaceintegrated information network.integrated information network are summarized.Moreover, an integrated information network architecture and development routes are proposed.

Keywords: land–sea–air–space integrated information network     space-based information system     network architecture     integrated network     development route    

Simulation and Evaluation of Real-Time and Intelligent Space-Based Information Service System of China

Jiang Hao, Li Deren, Shen Xin, Wu Jing

Strategic Study of CAE 2020, Volume 22, Issue 2,   Pages 153-160 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.02.019


The real-time and intelligent space-based information service systemis a next-generation space-based information system featuring multi-satellite coordination and multi-networkTo support the top-level design and construction of the real-time and intelligent space-based informationThis study can provide technical supports for the feasibility evaluation and construction of the real-timeand intelligent space-based information
service system.

Keywords: space-based information     real-time services     simulation     evaluation     low-orbit communication satellite system    

Designing Space-time Trellis Codes in Flat Fast Fading Channels With Large Number of Antennas

Geng Jia,Cao Xiuying,Bi Guangguo

Strategic Study of CAE 2006, Volume 8, Issue 6,   Pages 48-54


In recent years space-time trellis codes (STTCs) have attracted a great amount of research interestIn flat fast fading channels, when the number of antennas is large, the space-time trellis codes design

Keywords: space-time trellis code     criterion     flat fast fading     distance     distribution    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Split-order consolidation optimization for online supermarkets: Process analysis and optimization models

Journal Article


Journal Article

A timespace porosity computational model for concrete under sulfate attack

Journal Article

Efficient detection methods for amplify-and-forward relay-aided device-to-device systems with full-rate space-time

Kang-li ZHANG, Cong ZHANG, Fang-lin GU, Jian WANG

Journal Article

Some Thoughts of Chinaese Integrated Space - Ground Network System

Shen Rongjun

Journal Article

Negative weights in network time model

Zoltán A. VATTAI, Levente MÁLYUSZ

Journal Article

Understanding network travel time reliability with on-demand ride service data

Xiqun (Michael) CHEN, Xiaowei CHEN, Hongyu ZHENG, Chuqiao CHEN

Journal Article

Virtual network embedding based on real-time topological attributes

Jian DING,Tao HUANG,Jiang LIU,Yun-jie LIU

Journal Article

Real-time tool condition monitoring method based on temperature measurement and artificial neural network

Journal Article

Data-driven approach to solve vertical drain under time-dependent loading

Journal Article

Robust energy-efficient train speed profile optimization in a scenario-based position–time–speed network

Journal Article

Time-series prediction based on global fuzzy measure in social networks

Li-ming YANG,Wei ZHANG,Yun-fang CHEN

Journal Article

Development of Land–Sea–Air–Space Integrated Information Network

Xu Xiaofan, Wang Niwei, Gao Yingyuan, Lu Zhou, Wang Chunting, Lu Jun

Journal Article

Simulation and Evaluation of Real-Time and Intelligent Space-Based Information Service System of China

Jiang Hao, Li Deren, Shen Xin, Wu Jing

Journal Article

Designing Space-time Trellis Codes in Flat Fast Fading Channels With Large Number of Antennas

Geng Jia,Cao Xiuying,Bi Guangguo

Journal Article